Sunday, 9 April 2017

Surfing spot in Batu karas, Indonesia.

What’s up surfer! Have you tried some surfing spot in Indonesia? Yap there are a lot right like Kuta beach in Bali, Desert Point in Lombok, Mentawai Island in West Sumatra and so on. I just visited a tend to be quite place to go surfing to last month. Which called Legok Pari Beach, in Batukaras, West Java, Indonesia.

The place is about 364 km (227 miles) far from the Capitol, Jakarta. The place is definitely different from Bali where you can find bars and booze store around the corners. You can find beers though, I am also a local tourist and don’t drink too much alcohol so I didn’t bother myself to find one. NO NIGHT CLUB.  You can buy some booze in the capitol and bring them there though.
Compared to Bali, The Price is kind of cheap. I rented a clean room near the main beach (5 min walking) by 10 dollars/night with bathroom for myself, small local Tr V (but useless) and a fan. You’ll get lower price if you rent for more than a week. Oh ya, Indonesia is a bargaining country, so you can bargain almost anything here. You can also get more luxurious place by the beach where you can watch the beautiful sunrise every day to stay with a nice pool with higher price.
The foods are okay, there are various cafes you can try here from seafood, pizza, western to traditional food in “warung”. The prices are also various from US $ 2 /portion till US $ 15.

How do I get there?

You can get to the place from Jakarta or Bandung the capital of West Java. If you are landed in Jakarta, you can find the bus pool and ask how to get to Pangandaran. The crew will help you, to be honest I don’t really know the Capitol. The journey will take you around twelve hours or so (We aren’t punctual people so apologize my country for that). You can get the journey cut by ¼ if you are landed in Bandung airport. So from Bandung there are 2 ways to get there. 

First, you can use shuttle car which I highly recommend because they will drive you to your place in Batukaras with US $ 10 and they are also able to pick you up to the airport or just simply come to the pool which just 5 kilometers form the airport. The car usually leaves around midnight but they are ABLE to call you and notify that the car will pick you at 10 or 11p, or even 1am. You can sleep all along the way if you are lucky enough. The Shuttle name is 4848 and the phone  number is +62 2 420 8114. Their English are bad, so just say I want to go to Batukaras today “Saya, mau ke Batukaras hari ini” in Indonesian language. 

It is sometimes full booked so you can get the bus from “Cicaheum” bus station. I don’t know the exact schedule but you can check “Jadwal bis budiman cicaheum – pangandaran” on google. The name of the bus is “Budiman” and the destination is Pangandaran, after you arrived In Pangandaran you have to use a car called “angkot” to “Cijulang” terminal then use a ride from a motorbike rider called “ojek” to Batukaras. I know that’s pretty annoying to get on and off again and again, I really hope the shuttle car is available to you so you don’t have to to use the bus and the angkot and the ojek.

You need to call the shuttle car again when you’re about to go back to your place or country, just ask the schedule and seat availability.

What can I do there?

SURFING!!! Yes that’s the first thing you must  do there! Never surf before? Don’t have a surfboard? Those are no big deals, you can rent a surfboard for only US $ 5 a whole day, You can also ask the guy who rents it to be your coach with additional price. The best time is in the morning after the sunrise, because the beach is still quite and the other surfers are usually no more than 5. Don’t you ever try surfing on the weekend, you can get drunk or ask some locals some “mushroom” (again if you are lucky enough) rather than surfing with 25+ more surfer chasing the same wave, not to mention the swimmer crowd the beach made me a pretty annoyed.

You can also rent motorbikes to see around, there is not much to expect there, but I found some interesting places for me, like the Mangrove Conservation Place, Bale Tau and Fish Market.

I didn’t visit the mangrove place because I was too busy with my surfing practice, though I only able to stood and rode it a couple times in2 hours. The place hears to be nice but I don’t know much.
But I went to “Bale Tau” where I did my first yoga class with the beautiful and peaceful scenery of the river, the place belongs to the British woman. She also runs a volunteer class where you can teach local children anything you could do. They are currently having free yoga classes every Tuesday and Saturday at 4pm, English class and Indonesian-Sundanese-English class mixed on the other days.
The place is super go green, it uses solar panel in every corner and educates go green life to the locals. It also has a major project to clean the beach three times a year.

  • -      Exchange your money to Indonesian rupiahs for mostly everything, you might be able to use your credit card in only few places in Batukaras.
  • -          Use Indonesian mobile sim-card, it will help you to book the shuttle because they will call you back to give you further information and use the internet. The best sim-card in there is telkomsel. In case the place you stay in doesn’t provide wi-fi.
  • -          Bargain for the lower prices, if you stay longer than a week in your hotel, if you go to the traditional market or warung where the price seems unreasonably too expensive.
  • -          Since there is no grocery store, buy supplies you might need there beforehand. There are some food seller but they usually don’t have everything you need.
  • -          Ask the locals, they will help you even though they don’t understand your language, some of them usually want to take some pictures after. White skin from western countries or Australia are still rarely found here and thought to be cool, while you might think tanned skin like us are way better.

  • -          Drunk in public area, you will visit the largest moslem country in the world where half of the girls wear hijab, but we are friendly and not terrorist. I promise that.
  • -          Show up too much in the bus or public areas, just to avoid something bad. My country is not really safe for someone who has a lot of money, some locals still thinks foreigners are super rich. But don't worry too much, most of my friends went there and there was nothing bad happened to them.

Batukaras is a perfect place to run away from the city crowds, it is so peacfull at night but can be crowded in the weekend days. The wave is always looks exciting. And it is calling you to come!
Have a great time in Batukaras!

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Travel Guide: Curug Malela ( 30 Okt 2014)

Curug malela merupakan salah satu air terjun yang ada di Provinsi Jawa Barat, lebih tepatnya terletak di Desa Cibodas, Rongga, Gunung Halu. Kurang lebih 75km dari Kota Bandung.

Air terjun yang memiliki ketinggian 60-70m dan lebar 50m ini memang seperti air terjun niagara versi kecil, karena memiliki 5 aliran air yang mengalir deras dari sungai Cidadap dengan hulu di Ciwidey Jawa Barat.

Apabila anda menggunakan aplikasi GPS mungkin anda merasa senang karena perjalanan dapat ditempuh dalam 2 jam, namun anda harus bersabar lebih dan berjuang lebih karena jalan yang dilalui tidak semulus dan semudah yang anda kira, Berikut saya mulai ulasan perjalanan dengan starting point jln Asia Afrika.

Perjalanan dimulai dari jln asia afrika melewati Cimahi - Gadobangkong kemudian belok kiri ke jalan Raya Batujajar/Cimareme. Tidak perlu takut untuk tersesat karena Pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung Barat selaku pengelola telah memfasilitasi Penunjuk Jalan sampai dengan lokasi.

15km pertama jalanan masih hotmix dan cukup padat, sampai masuk daerah pedesaan jalan mulai rusak, mungkin di sekitar km ke 30-40 jalan berlubang semakin banyak. Bahkan 10km terakhir merupakan perjuangan terberat.

Anda akan melewati perkebunan teh dan  desa, kemudian perkebunan dan pedesaan lagi hingga beberapa kali. Namun kondisi jalan berlubang masih setia menunggu anda. Ada beberapa saat jalan mulai baik namun rusak kembali setelah beberapa saat.

Apabila menggunakan mobil disarankan memepersiapkan supir pengganti agar bisa gantian. Namun gunakan mobil dengan suspensi baik dan kondisi mesin prima. Mobil jeep/ 4x4 highly recomended.

Pengguna motor pun jangan khawatir karena motor bisa sampai ke tempat tujuan dengan catatan kondisi laik jalan. Motor trail juga highly recomended serta boncengan dengan yang bisa bawa motor juga.

Sebelum sampai anda akan melewati perkebunan teh milik PTPN VIII dan anda akan menjumpai beberapa watga sekitar membawa hasil panen dengan motor.

Perjuangan terberat terdapat pada akhir perjalanan dimana anda akan melewati jalan berbatu yang terjal dan licin apabila sehabis hujan. setelah sekitar 15-30menit menerjang jalan berbatu anda akan sampai di portal dengan beberapa rumah warga, di portal teraebut dijual karcis masuk kalau belum berubah harga masih Rp. 5000,-

Namun perjuangan anda masih panjang,  masih ada jalan berbatu yang harus anda lewati, namun dari sini anda bisa menaiki ojek dengan harga 70-80ribu PP dengan memarkir kendaraan anda di rumah warga yang menurut anda dapat dipercaya.

Perjalanan naik ojek benar benar menyenangkan dan mendebarkan, jalanan berbatu terjal dengan pinggiran jurangakan diilalui dengan penuh percaya diri dan cenderung negbut oleh mamang ojek, berpegangan yang erat dan berdoalah biar cepat sampai.

Setelah 10-15menit kita akan diturunkan di sebuah pelataran parkir dengan satu warung yang cukup lengkap menyediakan makanan dan camilan dengan harga yang masih cenderung murah. Istirahatlah sejenak sebelum berjalan ke bawah menyaksikan West Java's Little Niagara.

Bila anda sudah cukup tenang dan nafas sudah teratur mulailah menuruni anak tangga ke bawah, cukup terjal dan beberapa anak tangga sudah tidak terawat. Speed anda berjalan mempengaruhi waktu anda sampai, apabila santai dalam 10-20menit anda dapat mengintip curug malela yang megah dari atas, dapat dipastikan nafas anda langsung panjang kembali dan anda semakin terpacu untuk sampai di bawah.
10-15menit kemudian anda akan sampai dan menyaksikan keindahan alam disana.

Saya dan rombongan mengunjungi curug malela pada 30 Oktober 2014 untuk melaksanakan salah satu tugas perkuliahan. Sebelum mengunjungi objek wisata curug malela, kami datang ke Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwiasata Kabupaten Bandung Barat di Jln Ngamprah.

Kami menemui Ibu Nunung Subariah, S. Sos. M. M. dan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. 

Dipaparkam oleh beliau bahwa Kabupaten Bandung Barat memiliki 4 destinasi wisata unggulan yaitu Gua Pawon, Situ Ciburuy, Maribaya dan Curug Malela. Pengelolaan Curug Malela sendiri dikelola oleh warga desa dengan pengawasan DISBUDPAR. Mengenai akses jalan yang buruk yang sebelumnya telah kami ketahui dari beberapa sumber, beliau menyatakan hal tersebut. Namun anda tidak perlu khawatir karena akses alan sedang diperbaiki,kami pun melihat melewati salah satu jalan yang sedang diperbaiki dengan sistem buka tutup. Beliau juga menyatakan, pada tahun 2015 jalan ke Curug Malela sudah hotmix. Semoga rencana ini terlaksana dengan lancar.

Belum banyak fasilitas yang tersedia di Curug Malela, namun kemegahan air terjun tetap menarik pengunjung untuk datang.

Saat tengah beristirahat di warung untuk makan dan minum kopi, saya dan rombongan mengobrol dengan pemilik warung.

Objek wisata Curug Malela pertama kali dibuka untuk umum pada 1985, sebenarnya di Desa Cibodas curug terdapat 7 curug yaitu:

1. Curug Malela
2. Curug Katumiri
3. Curug Cimanglid
4. Curug Sumpel
5. Curug Cikadu
6. Curug Ngebul
7. Curug Pamengpeuk

Namun hanya curug malela yang terkenal dan bisa sampai dikunjungi sampai 100orang/hari pada weekend karena akses yang tersedia hanya pada curug malela, curug-curug lain akses jalannya belum terbuka dan cenderung berbahaya.

Desa Cibodas memiliki upacara adat yang dilaksanakan pada pergantian tahun masehi, namun kami tidak mendapat informasi lebih lanjut.

1. Gunakan Mobil 4x4 atau motor Trail
2. Berangkatlah pada musim kemara, karena apabila anda berangkat pada musim hujan seperti saya, jalan menuju curug akan licin karena bercampur dengan tanah, jalan berlubang tergenang air dan membahayakan, warna air akan cokelat karena tercampur tanah akan mengurangi keindahan dan debit air akan sangat deras dan membahayakan.
3. Siapkan fisik anda, olahraga rutin akan membantu anda lebih fit dan tidak mudah capek atau siapkan gula jawa untuk diemut selama berjalan kaki agar menambah stamina.
4. Bawa pacar lebih asik hehe

Sekian Travel Guide dari saya, semoga bermanfaat :)

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Actrees Review: Blake Lively (Serena Van Der Woodsen)

As a teenager, who dont know Gossip Girl ? The Incredible TV series which just ended their 6th Seasson by last year, and who dont know Serena Van der Woodsen ? One of the two girls star in those TV series is Blake Lively. Now, im gonna review her profile.

Full Name : Blake Christina Lively
Date of Birth: June, 25th 1987
Place of Birth: Tarzana, California, USA.
Height: 5' 10" (1,78 m)
Occupation: Actress and  model since 1998
Trade Mark: beauty mark underneath right eye, long blonde hair and blue eyes, husky voice.

Early Life

Blake Lively was born in a showbiz family in California and quickly followed her parents' and siblings' steps. daughter of actors Elaine Lively (née McAlpin) and Ernie Lively (born Ernest W. Brown).She was raised as a Southern Baptist She is the youngest of five children: she has an older brother Eric, two half-sisters, Lori  and Robyn,and a half-brother, Jason. Both of her parents and all of her siblings are, or have been, in the entertainment industry. During Lively's childhood, her parents took her with them to acting classes that they taught because they did not want to leave her with a babysitter. Lively said that watching her parents teach acting classes helped her learn the "drills" of acting and gain confidence as she got older.


Lively began her acting career at age 11, Her first role was "Trixie, the Tooth Fairy" in the 1998 movie Sandman (1998), directed by her dad, Ernie Lively. Her big break came along a few years later, though. Blake was up to finish high school when she got the co-starring role of "Bridget" in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants  in 2005. 

In 2006, she co-starred with Justin Long in Accepted, and Lively had minor roles in the horror film, Simon Says. While Accepted was not well received by critics, Lively's performance was, earning her a 'Breakthrough Award' from Hollywood Life.
In 2007, Lively played one of the two title characters in Elvis and Anabelle as Anabelle, a bulimic girl who hoped to win a beauty pageant. Lively said of getting into character for the role that she had 'shed serious weight' for her height. Lively stated that that process was difficult for her because food is “the No. 1 love of my life. praised her performance in the film and credited it as having been her "breakthrough role". Lively was cast in the CW's series Gossip Girl, based on the book series of the same name by Cecily von Ziegesar, which premiered in September 2007. She played Serena van der Woodsen in the teen drama.

Her first magazine cover was the November 2007 issue of Cosmo Girl, where she discussed her time in high school and her career prior to Gossip Girl.

In 2008, Lively reprised her role in the sequel, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. Similar to the first film, Lively was positively received by critics.As of November 2009, the film had earned over $44 million at the box office. In 2009, Lively appeared as Gabrielle DiMarco, a minor role in the romantic comedy,New York, I Love You, a sequel to the 2006 film Paris, je t'aime. Despite positive reception from critics, the film had a poor box office performance.

One of Lively's most acclaimed roles to date is her supporting role playing the younger version of the title character in The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (2009). Paul Byrnes, of the Brisbane Times, described Lively's performance in the film as being "sensational"In October 2009, Lively began filming her scenes for her role as Krista Coughlin, in the 2010 film The Town, based on Chuck Hogan's novel Prince of Thievesc.

In the film, Lively's role has been described as "the sister of Jem and Doug's ex-girlfriend who has a 19-month old daughter, Shyne. The film, which also stars Ben Affleck, was released in the United States on September 17, 2010 to critical acclaim. In an interview with Marie Claire, Lively stated that she wasn't relying on her career as an actress, that having her own interior decorating firm could be a substitute as a back-up plan, and because of her "fascination" with "colors and textures and layering things.

Lively played Carol Ferris, the female lead and love interest of Hal Jordan in the superhero film Green Lantern, which was released in June 2011. The film grossed a worldwide total of $219,851,172. but was considered as a summer flop as it "failed to perform to expectations" even though it grossed more than its budget. Lively appeared in the music video for The Lonely Island's "I Just Had Sex" together with Jessica Alba in December 2010.

In 2012, she starred in Oliver Stone's Savages alongside Taylor Kitsch, Aaron Johnson, Salma Hayek, and John Travolta. HitFix film critic Drew McWeeny was positive of Lively's work which he described as "smart and sad precisely because she plays O as such a broken, needy little soul". Lively was originally considered for the lead role in Steven Soderbergh's The Side Effects. It was later reported that Rooney Mara would replace her. Also in 2012, Lively was chosen as the face of the new Gucci fragrance titled Gucci Premiere. She appeared in a short film ad directed by Nicolas Winding Refn for the fragrance.

Personal Life

Lively dated actor Kelly Blatz from 2004 to 2007; the two had been friends since childhood. Lively dated actor Penn Badgley from late 2007 to mid-September 2010. Lively began again dating her Green Lantern co-star, Ryan Reynolds, in October 2011. In June 2012 she and Reynolds purchased a cottage in Bedford, New York, for $2 million. The couple married on September 9, 2012, at Boone Hall in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.




Daughter of actor Ernie Lively and talent manager Elaine Lively, younger sister of Eric Lively, and younger half-sister of Lori Lively, Jason Livelyand Robyn Lively. Sister-in-law of Bart Johnson. When auditioning for The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005), she walked in and gave them nothing but her photo, since she had never done anything before that, they all thought she was joking but when she left the room, they knew that she was definitely the Bridget they wanted.

She stayed busy juggling duties as class president and cheerleader as well as performing with her national championship show choir.

Has stated that she has known her "Gossip Girl" (2007) co-star Penn Badgley since she was 11 years old.
She was involved in a lot of activities at her high school including: cheerleading, choir, and student government. She was class president.The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005) was her first job, not just in acting. Ranked #43 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2008 list.

On "Live with Regis and Kathie Lee" (1988), she stated that her older brother, Eric Lively, didn't want to go to school alone when it came time for him to be in the 1st grade. At the time, she was three but very tall for her age. Her mother lied and said Blake was 6. Blake attended 1st grade and the school reported that she was "slow" when, in reality, she was 3 and couldn't talk very well. She claims it made her brother happy, so she was happy.

Was ranked #4 on Maxim magazine's Hot 100 Women of 2010 list. Has stated that she is rather self conscious about being tall. (She's a little over 5'10".) So much so, that she actually dislikes wearing heels.

Lively was chosen by designer Karl Lagerfeld as the "face" of Chanel's new "Mademoiselle" handbag line on the January 5, 2011. The ad campaign, shot by Lagerfeld, is expected to premiere mid-March, 2011.

Ranked #1 on Ask Men top 99 "most desirable women" of 2011.
Ranked #30 in the 2011 FHM Australia list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World".
Ranked as having one of "The Most Beautiful Faces" by "The Annual Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Famous Faces From Around the World." She was ranked #39 in 2010, #68 in 2009, and #85 in 2008.

Voted #32 on Ask men's top 99 'most desirable' celebrity women of 2012.
Married her boyfriend of 11 months Ryan Reynolds. [September 14, 2012]
Ranked #13 on Askmen's list of the top 99 "most desirable" famous women for 2013.

Personal Quotes

My whole family's been in the business. My whole family is crazy.

(About filming racy scenes on "Gossip Girl" (2007)) It's the most awkward thing! There's a room of 40 people watching you, they're telling you exactly how to move your head, and it's completely silent. It's awful!

In high school, there are so many cliques. You're never safe. In between my junior and senior years, I went away to film The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005), and I came back ready to do the things with my friends that we always did, but things change. People get older, and there are some inside jokes that you don't know about that have happened. You feel lost for a while, and it's hard to come back from that. Then the friends who have "replaced" you are territorial. I've experienced that a little bit. There are catty, insecure, and gossipy girls everywhere, but for me, I don't think it's a matter of any of them being genuinely bad at heart. I just think that maybe the different ways in which people are raised make them different and insecure. They point out the bad things in others just to make themselves feel better. It's everywhere.

(After moving to New York to film "Gossip Girl" (2007)) I was raised in California, so this whole New York winter thing is completely new for me. I've already justified buying seven coats!
I've kissed just three people in my life, other than stuff I have done for TV or movies. I know, I'm weird! I hope Brad Pitt doesn't hear this, he is never going to want to marry me!

I'm on a very commercial show ["Gossip Girl" (2007)], so the last thing I want to do is a commercial movie. I wanna take risks, I don't wanna play it safe. I mean, I could probably make more money if I did more commercial projects. It would be nice to buy an apartment, but I'm 22, and I don't need to yet.

I want to have a brunch place, a bakery, and a Southern restaurant - because my family's from Georgia - and then I want a place that is all-over-the-world cuisine. I take a cooking class everywhere I travel. I find it's the best way to get to know a culture. It's what people bring to the family every day, what they break bread over - it's a very intimate thing.
I want babies. Lots of babies. Of course!

[on how she deals with any tension between work and anything else] - I love what I do. I love my work. So, you know, of course I wanted to be at the premiere [of The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (2009)], but I had a job to do, and so I had to be on the set in Boston and be a part of it. At the end of the day, a premiere is a premiere. It's not somebody living or dying. So for me, this other stuff - well, the perks is not the reason I do the job. Couture fashion week, getting to meet Karl Lagerfeld and John Galliano and Christian Louboutin is so exciting. It's like being a little girl and looking at these designers saying, "Can you imagine one day seeing all of those ball gowns?" But, at the end of the day, I wouldn't be there without my job. There are a few things in life that matter above all else: your family, your friends, your loved ones. But everything else comes and goes - especially in this business where everything is so of the moment.

[on where her instinct in acting comes from] - I don't know. I think it comes from the fact that I never really thought about acting as a child. It wasn't like, "This is the career that I want to pursue." So when I first started acting, I was more concerned with just being on a set and all of the woes of that, and I didn't really know it or understand it as a craft yet. When I saw my first movie, I was fine, but I thought, "Oh, my heavens. It's not about just standing there on my mark and saying these lines. I need to actually act." It was great to have my first opportunity be such a big role, but also not great because all of the mistakes I made-the entire learning process was on the big screen for everyone to see. That's been something, movie by movie, that I've been able to grow and learn from-that I always need to work harder to be better because it's still a new craft for me. ... I just did it on my own. I've never worked with an acting coach, but my parents had acting classes and I grew up around them my whole life just because I didn't have a babysitter. I'm actually a very shy person-that's a big secret, so don't tell-but being in those classes pushed me to break out of that a little bit. It's like nature versus nurture: I'm naturally very shy, but I was brought up in a way where I had to get up and get out of that.

Yeah, I don't comment on my relationships... My anonymity is something I treasure. Wanting to be an actor and wanting to be famous are different.

With acting, I think half of it is just acting confident. We stand on these red carpets and pose in these dresses, but we're all only so confident. It doesn't mean we think we're great looking or anything. It's all a façade.

[on being cast as Carol Ferris in Green Lantern (2011)]: It was nice for me that this was a studio that wasn't looking for some girl to have her legs greased up and her boobs out - and that was all that mattered. I imagined that no one else knew anything about 'Green Lantern'. As soon as I got the role I was humbled about how naive I was. They were grilling me about StarSapphire and Hector Hammond and how many Green Lanterns are going to show up. All I could say was 'What are you guys talking about?'

I probably feel the most alive when I'm with my family and also when I'm cooking, and those normally coincide with each other. I love to cook for my family, that's the best. I have all my nieces and nephews there, and you really use your hands and it's such an experience for all the senses; for the touch, for the smell, for the sight, so you feel really alive.

I like to play someone who is unlike me and the character I play most often [Serena van der Woodsen on "Gossip Girl"]. Time and again, I keep playing drug addicts with sexual issues! I never knew I had a dark side, but this is where I get it out of my system.

I'm not in the business of trying to win the approval of my cast members, my director, or my audience. If I were, I'd be so beaten down by insecurity that I'd never be able to perform. The only person I'm trying to prove something to is myself.

[on Savages (2012)] It's especially exciting because our movie's released amongst a ton of superhero movies, and a movie like this doesn't normally exist amongst that. But, I look back to the movies that I love from the 70s, those movies were the most successful movies; the best movies were the most successful. And, now the most successful are the ones that everybody goes to see but they're not the critically-acclaimed ones. So, when we made this movie, it is such a graphic, intense, violent, honest film that we knew that we were very much the black sheep. It's not a movie that is appealing to all the masses. It will challenge people, and normally you don't want that because you want people just to pay for your movie so you don't want to challenge everyone; you want to please them all. So, the fact that this movie can stand up amongst those superpowers, all the other films, that's something that I feel really proud of. ... And still please them but to show that that you can be good and successful.

[on the characters in Savages (2012)] I think it's really hard for people to digest that these privileged kids are in a three-way relationship. Your heroes are all sleeping with each other, but they're also in love. It's very easy to dislike them, so when my character gets kidnapped, it's like, 'Well, good riddance!' My greatest challenge was to make her life worthy of saving, to find the heart in this story. I started thinking about the state of young people these days. In my character's situation, her mom is off with nine different husbands and her dad left her when she was a kid. She has nobody to learn from, so she's making her own mistakes. Dad takes a hike and now she's hiking up her dress for two guys. You don't think there's a parallel there? These kids are very much the product of this cynical generation.

[on her character "O/Ophelia" in Savages (2012)] To play a blond California girl who gets with two men was scary. If it looks like me and talks like me, how do I turn it into something different? It would have been easier if I'd been thrown into the movie with a Scottish accent and purple hair.

I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I grew up with the mindset that after work you go to dinner and watch a movie. I don't want to go to a club and not wear panties.